If you are reviewing this website, my guess is that your heart is breaking, as was mine and my husband’s when Dr. McReynolds was recommended to us. We were faced with the hardest decision we had ever had to make in the life of our precious black lab Meg. We always told ourselves that we had given Meg the very best life that we could, and now it was time to let her go gracefully with love. As we look back, we know that is what we did. Dr. McReynolds was the last in a lifetime of caregivers for Meg, and within seconds, she seemed so familiar to us and completely gained our trust — compassionate and professional truly define her. Dr. McReynolds came into our home and loved on Meg, and Michael and myself, to make us feel comfortable and confident in our decision. She was patient and understanding of our struggle, gave us our space when we needed it, and made a very tough situation as smooth as possible. She could not have a more perfect demeanor and heart for the service she offers to us animal lovers. I am grateful that there is not a frequent need for Transitions, however, we would highly recommend Dr. McReynolds when faced with that time to say goodbye to your beloved pet.
— Elizabeth and Michael Layne